Christian Williams, founder, and CEO of Christian Williams Personal Training (CWPT). With over a decade of experience in the fitness industry, Christian is an accomplished athlete, personal trainer, and nutrition expert who has won numerous titles. Christian’s passion for fitness began at the age of 15 when he transformed his own physique through proper nutrition and exercise. He was born in the United Kingdom, has traveled much of the globe, trained at some of the most prestigious gyms, and with the most respected athletes, and has now made a mark in the UAE, being awarded as UAE’s PT of the Year, being just one of the titles he holds.
Christian Williams is a highly experienced and qualified fitness expert who has been dedicated to the fitness industry since 2008. With over a decade of experience, Christian has developed a deep understanding of the science behind human performance, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, and injury repair.
Christian’s expertise in the field of fitness is not just theoretical, but practical as well. He has competed as a junior and professionally for 11 years, winning multiple titles such as Mr. Wales, Mr. England, Mr. London, and Silver Medallist at the British Finals, and fifth in the World Championships.
Christian’s passion for fitness and the human body has led him to pursue continuous education and learning from the best minds in the industry. He is dedicated to staying up to date with the latest advancements in neuroscience and the science of human performance to help his clients achieve their fitness goals, as well as still being in competitive sports today.
Christian believes in the importance of precision in exercise and maximizing hypertrophy, and his scientific approach has helped thousands of clients transform their bodies and achieve their fitness goals. He has also studied the psychology of nutrition and the diversity of the human mind and body, which has helped him to better understand and tailor his approach to each client’s unique needs.
Christian’s teaching abilities are exceptional, and his ability to motivate his clients to become the best version of themselves is a gift that he takes very seriously. He believes that everyone is at a different starting point and will meet them where they are. Christian’s approach is practical, and he believes in leading by example. He is a no-nonsense trainer who stands behind his values and beliefs, and his clients appreciate his straightforward approach. Christian’s passion for fitness extends beyond his personal and professional life.
As a father to a son, Christian knows the importance of staying fit and healthy to be there for his family and to set a good example. He also understands the importance of balance and being present, giving the current task maximum focus, and not sacrificing his family, fitness, or career for anything else.
Christian is known for his commitment to the 4Ds – Desire, Determination, Drive, and Discipline – which he believes are the keys to success in any endeavoor. He has a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology, and nutrition, and he has studied under some of the top minds in the industry to hone his expertise.
Christian is a teacher at heart and has helped thousands of clients reach their fitness goals through his personalized training programs.
Christian Williams is a no-nonsense guy who stands firmly behind his values and beliefs. He is an advocate for intense and precise training and is dedicated to helping his clients achieve their goals. Christian’s ultimate vision is to expand the CWPT brand and create a larger organization that can help even more people achieve their fitness dreams.