Do you know what people are great at? Keeping promises to others.
Do you know what people aren’t too great at? Keeping promises to themselves.
Let me give you an example.
I’m not going to have sugar for a month. But ends up forgetting the promise and eats in less than a week. I’m going to be extremely fit this year. But ends up never signing up for a program or going to the gym or changing their lifestyle.
It’s not that they don’t want it. It’s just that they forget the promises that they make to themselves. If I ask 9 out of 10 people
. ‘Tell me 3 most important things to you’. I’d never hear them say my health or my well-being or myself. Usually, I hear about my career, money, my family, or job. All that is great. And they should be important but what’s most important is yourself. If you are happy, people around you are happy. If you are unwell it affects the people around you
too. It can affect your career, your job, your money, and your well-being.
Why did I bring it up? just to tell you that if you consider yourself important then you are more likely to keep the promises you keep to yourself.
As a person who focuses on fitness and health, I do have a bad habit of smoking. I promised myself that this year I wouldn’t smoke no matter what. We are in August and it’s been 8 months. Honestly, the first month was the hardest. The craving, the need to engage in social activities. But kept remembering the promise I made myself. I respect myself enough to keep the promise and that has helped me continue.
Love yourself. Respect yourself. Keep the promises you make, especially the ones you keep to yourself. You will change in ways you won’t be able to explain.